On 4/3/2014 19:52, J David wrote:
> The net effect of all of this is that even if you do take 24 hours and
> rebuild all the ports that depend on perl because of that foobar
> vulnerability, including bazqux, you *still* end up pissing off the
> bazqux users because it rev'd bazqux from 1.5 to 2.0 and 2.0 isn't
> backward compatible.  And the people using bazqux don't take "well
> foobar had a security issue" as a reason for disrupting them, because
> they don't care one whit about foobar.

You've been throwing out this 8000 packages = 24 hours bit for a couple
of days now.  Our setup builds packages at an average rate of 600
packages an hour, ranging from 100 to 1600 pkg/hour impulse, and that is
counting the monster-size packages.

If you are really serious about all these requirements, get a better
build machine.  You could probably build 8000 packages with a single
machine in 10 hours or less depending on the actual packages (e.g. if
they are mostly perl packages it could be faster)

I don't think anybody is going to reprogram the logic of poudriere
though.  This is just an academic discussion of what could be done, but
I doubt anybody wants to actually implement it due to the potential side
effects (and the (limited) gain vs the implementation cost).

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