On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Michael Schuh <michael.sc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> as far as i understood /var/db/pkg should be empty, after an fresh update
> to stable 10 and
> # pkg delete -a -f
> is set in /etc/make.conf
> the next inquiry of pkg asks for
> the installation of pkg. everything fine so far.
> now i would going to use the freshly updated ports tree
> to reinstall all packages starting with portmaster.
> the call up of
> # make config
> shows only a message like options changed, but no dialog.
> thanks google i could figure out to install dialog4 ports first,
> then i got this working again.
> for my opinion:
> it should get installed automatically or the dialog from the system should
> get used
> or at least iot should printout a hint or error message.
> installing portmaster now and inquire an
> portmaster `cat installed-ports-list` like in the man page of portmaster
> recommended, i get the
> /var/db/pkg filled again. beside the local.sqlite db from pkng.
> for the fun, some packages didn'r installed files in /var/db/pkg.
> it are exactly 4 packages difference, any relation to MAKEARGS=-j4 ?
> Any ideas how to get rid of this behaviour?

When portmaster is run, it creates a
/var/db/pkg/${PKGNAME}/PM_UPGRADE_DONE_FLAG file to keep track of
which ports it has upgraded.  This allows portmaster to skip over
ports it has already upgraded.  When it has successfully completed the
run, the PM_UPGRADE_DONE_FLAG is removed, but the
/var/db/pkg/$PKGNAME} is left behind.


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