On Wed, 9 Apr 2014 20:26:09 +0000 (UTC) Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> On 2014-04-09, John Marino <freebsd.cont...@marino.st> wrote:
>> In the meantime -- it's still a non-problem as long as "svn revert" works.
> "svn revert" throws away local changes.  I don't think that's what
> you mean.
> In fact, I don't know how to even find (the history of) removed
> files with Subversion.  For instance, at some point there must have
> been a port russian/xmms, but neither svnweb nor "svn log" show it.

You can check the log of MOVED.  The revision that deleted it is:

You can undo the russian part of that commit using:

cd /usr/ports
svn merge -c -348843 russian russian

Then remove the russian/xmms line from MOVED and commit.
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