On 17 May 2014, at 04:26, Montgomery-Smith, Stephen <step...@missouri.edu> 
> I have started to think about making sage compatible with FreeBSD-10.
> The main problem thus far is that clang's c++ compiler is missing some
> stuff like the include file ext/numeric.

That header is not missing, it became standardized, so use <numeric>
instead.  The libstdc++ developers added a bunch of upcoming things into
the ext/ and tr1/ subdirectories in the past, but there is really no
need to use these anymore, these days.

> I don't know if clang's c++ compiler is far behind gcc-4.7, or whether
> it is a question of merely copying a few include files from gcc-4.7.

It is really the other way around; the C++ support in clang 3.4 is more
advanced than the gcc 4.7 port.  Clang 3.4 supports all of the C++11
standard, and some bits of the upcoming C++1y standard.  According to
gcc's own status pages, gcc 4.7 "implements much of the C++11 standard",
and for gcc 4.8, "as of GCC 4.8.1, GCC's C++11 mode implements all of
the major features of the C++11 standard".


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