On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Albert Shih <albert.s...@obspm.fr> wrote:

>  Le 20/05/2014 à 14:55:59+0200, Tijl Coosemans a écrit
> > On Tue, 20 May 2014 14:14:49 +0200 Albert Shih wrote:
> > >  Le 20/05/2014 à 14:09:45+0200, Tijl Coosemans a écrit
> > > with
> > >
> > >   [root@io libpurple]# tail Makefile
> > >                           ${WRKSRC}/libpurple/purple-send-async
> > >           @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/python|/env python|' \
> > >                           ${WRKSRC}/libpurple/purple-remote \
> > >                           ${WRKSRC}/libpurple/purple-url-handler
> > >   .if defined(PIDGIN_SLAVE)
> > >           @${FIND} ${BUILD_WRKSRC} -name Makefile.in | ${XARGS}
> > >                   's|$$(top_builddir)/libpurple/libpurple.la
> |-lpurple|'
> > >   .endif
> > >
> > >   .include <bsd.port.post.mk>
> > >   [root@io libpurple]#
> >
> > Silly question perhaps, but did you run "make clean" before rebuilding?
> Why silly ? ;-)
> You right....after a make clean  everything works.
> I was able to upgrade everything.
> Thanks.
> Regards.
> --
> Albert SHIH
> DIO bâtiment 15
> Observatoire de Paris
> 5 Place Jules Janssen
> 92195 Meudon Cedex
> France
> Téléphone : +33 1 45 07 76 26/+33 6 86 69 95 71
> xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
> Heure local/Local time:
> mar 20 mai 2014 16:38:16 CEST

Removed the FIND and re-built. After the build I looked in
stage/usr/local/lib and the .so.0 files are still present! I then installed
with no errors. I'll admit that I don't understand what is happening or why
the touch of the files would break things, but it seems to be fixed, now.

Now to rebuild pidgin.

Thanks, Tijl. (Some day I'd like to know how "Tijl" is pronounced.)
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer, Retired
E-mail: rkober...@gmail.com
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