On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 02:54:09PM +0200, Leslie Jensen wrote:
> Dimitry Andric skrev 2014-07-17 00:10:
> > On 16 Jul 2014, at 11:21, Leslie Jensen <jensen.les...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hello list.
> >>
> >> I'm experiencing a very slow build of clang33
> >>
> >> It seems that it's when building clang33/work/llvm-3.3 that is slows down.
> >>
> >> Using top I can see that my system is almost idle, 99,4, and cc1plus has 
> >> two processes using WCPU at 1,80% and 0.10%
> > cc1plus is actually gcc's C++ compiler, so clang isn't to blame here. :)
> > Isn't there anything else going on, like linking (look for any 'ld'
> > processes)?  Or is the machine short on RAM (look at swap usage in top)?
> >
> > -Dimitry
> >
> When the machine is idle these are the values.
> Mem: 27M Active, 236M Inact, 173M Wired, 10M Cache, 58M Buf, 21M Free
> Swap: 971M Total, 53M Used, 918M Free, 5% Inuse

I suspect you need more swap.  I'd recommend installing clang33 as a
binary package.

-- Brooks

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