On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 12:16 PM, Michael Gmelin <gre...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Aug 2014 11:59:37 -0500
> Scot Hetzel <swhet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 24, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Michael Gmelin <gre...@freebsd.org>
>> wrote:
>> > @Olli: Checking Mk/bsd.databasemk it seems like you're right. It's
>> > quite amusing how this went unnoticed for so long, it has been in
>> > there for eight years :)
>> >
>> As the original author of the USE_BDB code, the USE_BDB=5  had worked
>> in the past.  As it is supposed to mean that this port only uses that
>> version of BDB.  The code was changed on Aug 21 (r365599) and the
>> author of the new code might have forgot to test this case.
> Not sure if you read the rest of the thread, but this is still working
> as intended (I tested using both the old and new version).
> The issue is, that USE_BDB=version means USE_BDB=yes,
> WITH_BDB_VER=version, but Kurt has WITH_BDB_VER=6 in make.conf,
> which overrides this version number and version =6 is invalid for
> devel/ice. So basically it works as designed, Kurt wanted a specific
> version of bdb, which doesn't work for devel/ice.
> The fix was to add WANT_BDB_VER= 5 in devel/ice, which I guess is ok,
> since this is the only version it really works with (and I guess I
> could remove the INVALID directive now, since WANT means really
> *want*).

Hmm, I thought I had it implemented this way at one time.  Any way.
What we should be doing with the WITH_BDB_VER is not overriding the
USE_BDB value.  Instead we should see if it is a VALID version to use
for this port, if it is not, then use the USE_BDB value.

So basically the code should be doing the following:

 - use the default version (48+) or the installed version if higher

 - use version 6

 - should mean the same as USE_BDB=yes, WANT_BDB_VER=5
 - shouldn't be able to override by setting WITH_BDB_VER=6
 - this would also allow the removal of the WANT_BDB_VER variable.
 - no error should be generated when WITH_BDB_VER is set to an invalid version

USE_BDB=48 6
 - use (either 48 or 6) or the installed version that matches one of
these versions
 - no error should be generated when WITH_BDB_VER is set to an invalid version

 - use version 5+ or the installed version if higher
 - shouldn't allow downgrade to a lower unsupported version by setting
 -- should we still display an error in this case or just install the
port with bdb 5+?

If we make the above changes to the code, then INVALID_BDB_VER and
WANT_BDB_VER could disappear.

> My question is, what the point of INVALID_BDB_VER really is in this
> case, it seems a bit pointless to me given the trouble it caused Kurt
> and how we resolved this. Having a fully specified list of supported
> versions in WANT_BDB_VER seems better in this case (assuming WANT
> supports listing multiple versions).

At the time I had implemented the code, INVALID_BDB_VER was meant to
poke holes in the VER+:


So the port would be able to use version 2 and 40+, and not 3.
Probably should have just implanted it as:

USE_BDB=2 40+

 and skipped the INVALID_BDB_VER entirely.

I was also thinking that we should make WITH_BDB_HIGHEST the default.
It is used by VER+ when multiple versions of bdb are installed.   That
way we can remove this variable also.


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