On 28/08/2014 1:19 AM, geoffroy desvernay wrote:
> Hi,
> I've packaged netdisco 2 (L2-3 network management tool) and some perl
> modules to get it work.
> http://netdisco.org/
> https://metacpan.org/pod/App::Netdisco
> Please test this if interested, I'll make a PR after some feedback :)
> I have some questions for skilled porters:
>  * What about the naming of the netdisco2 port, I choose
> 'p5-App-Netdisco' since this is a perl module, but I'm not sure
>  * How to submit some ports at once (just attach all to PR ?)
>  * Is a shar archive still needed, or a tarball ?
> Here are the ports, extract them in the root of a port tree.
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-App-Netdisco.tar.xz
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-Algorithm-Cron.tar.xz
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-AnyEvent-DNS-EtcHosts.tar.xz
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-App-local-lib-helper.tar.xz
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-MCE.tar.xz
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-Template-Plugin-CSV.tar.xz
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-Time-timegm.tar.xz
> http://dgeo.perso.ec-m.fr/ports/p5-URL-Encode.tar.xz
> Hope this can serveā€¦

Hi Geoffroy,

Either (shar/diff) is fine, but diffs can help with (inline) review, or
in the event further changes are needed.

With svn diffs, you can also include changes such as adding the ports to
the relevant category/Makefile as well (which are needed for new ports),
save committer time, and gets you familiar with our side of the process.

The multiple ports question is less concrete, as its a balance between
overhead per PR (with perhaps a single committer), and isolated changes.

If it were me, I'd create a single issue report, with one patch per
port, named perfectly (with descriptions)

Mention in the submission which are dependencies of which and go from there.

More important than submission formats however, are:

- portlint output is clean (see ports-mgmt/portlint)
- Build/Package QA and tested with poudriere or redports

Jump on #freebsd-ports (freenode) or #bsdports (efnet) if you have any
questions, and have fun!

Hope that helps.

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