On Tuesday, September 02, 2014 3:51:31 AM Michelle Sullivan wrote:
> Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
> >> And for the portsnap users?
> > 
> > In short, this change doesn't directly effect portsnap users.
> Sure about that?
> > Portsnap is a tool that used to obtain a copy of the ports tree.
> try this:
> portsnap fetch update && cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg && make install
> If you *haven't* install pkg first...
> > Portsnap is only one way, another way to get a copy of the ports tree is
> > by
> > using subversion and checking it out by using the svn command.
> Not much good if you haven't installed svn already...
> > pkg(8) is a package management tool, and to make use of most packages
> > having a copy of the ports tree is not required.
> Correct, take a 9.2 install disk, install it, portsnap and then install
> pkg on it...  Oh wait, you can't.. pkg_install is broken, and 9.2
> install disks don't have pkg in the BaseOS....

Why and how would someone delete a file off a running 9.2 system?  New releases 
already use pkg.

The first time you attempt to use pkg on a pkg-enabled release, it prompts you 
to download ports-mgmt/pkg and manually installs it.   It's called 

This is not an issue here.

Try it for yourself.

Chuck Burns
Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere
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