On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 05:17:48PM +0200, Michelle Sullivan wrote:
> Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> > +--On 3 septembre 2014 16:36:29 +0200 Michelle Sullivan
> > <miche...@sorbs.net> wrote:
> > | Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> > |> I still don't see what you have to say about what EOL mean, it's *End Of
> > |> Life* meaning after, it is dead, and won't exist any more.
> > |> 
> > |>   
> > | Ahh so all those Windows XP servers are dead and don't work anymore...
> >
> > Not at all, but you don't update them any more.
> >
> >   
> Actually you do, but it does nothing... just like freebsd-update on any
> EOL release...
> Microsoft didn't release a patch that would change the base system so
> you can no longer install any software... They just stopped providing
> updates, then later stopped providing security updates.

Same for FreeBSD and pkg_*. Stay with status quo, use pkg_* with the
last tagged version of the ports tree that works with pkg_* or switch to
pkg and be happy like the rest of us.

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