On, Wed Sep 03, 2014, Bryan Drewery wrote:

> I really dislike plists as they are today. The argument that having them
> makes it easy to see what the port installs is bogus. Many don't have
> pkg-plist because they have PLIST_* or INFO or are missing DOCS/EXAMPLES
> due to usage of *. Many, such as rubygems and python, have autoplist
> already. I would like to provide 1 approved way to do autoplist, rather
> than having the dozens of different implementations that we have today
> in ports.


> I understand there is fear involved with not having a plist validate
> everything. Consider that many other package systems do not require a
> plist to start.


Seconded. In my opinion for 95% of all cases it sums up to: everything in the
staging directory gets installed. We can use post-build or pre-install to
clean up the staging directory where necessary, or even revert the plist
meaning in the worst case, e.g. everything in ${EXCLUDE_INSTALL} is not to be
installed, if necessary.

It'd greatly reduce the maintenance efforts and ugly hacks (look at python.mk
for an example) to work around the limitations of plist and upstream


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