On Sun, 7 Sep 2014 15:24:47 -0700 Mark Millard <mar...@dsl-only.net> wrote:
> It appears to me that if the portmaster man page's instructions for
> "Using portmaster to do a complete reinstallation of all your ports"
> are still supposed to work that the new staging for ports is currently
> broken.
> Context: As part of an attempt to get ready to test some of Justin
> Hibbits recent powerpc/powerpc64 related changes I attempted to follow
> the portmaster man page's instructions for "Using portmaster to do a
> complete reinstallation of all your ports". (I decide to start from an
> SSD that had contents from back in mid July and decide to just reinstall
> all the ports.)
> The result of the portmaster `cat ~/ports_origins` (my chosen file name
> for steps 1 and 10) failed with:
> ...
> gmake[1]: Leaving directory 
> `/usr/obj/portswork/usr/ports/devel/gobject-introspection/work/gobject-introspection-1.36.0'
> ===>  Staging for gobject-introspection-1.36.0_3
> ===>   Generating temporary packing list
> mtree: /usr/local/etc/mtree/BSD.gnome.dist: No such file or directory
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> make: stopped in /usr/ports/devel/gobject-introspection
> ===>>> make stage failed for devel/gobject-introspection
> ===>>> Aborting update
> ===>>> Update for devel/gobject-introspection failed
> ===>>> Aborting update
> ...
> Looking around after this showed that /usr/local/etc/mtree does not
> exist (but /usr/local/etc did exist).
> This may be in part because when I interpreted step 9 of the man
> page's instructions
>            9. Manually check /usr/local and /var/db/pkg
>               to make sure that they are really empty
> I did:
> rm -fr /usr/local/*
> rm -fr /var/db/pkg/*
> because there was lots of stuff around and I interpreted "empty"
> rather literally. Another possibility is that there is some place
> recording historical mtree information that needed
> /usr/local/etc/mtree/BSD.gnome.dist cleared out in some way but the
> instructions did not lead to my doing so.
> Anybody know how I would get /usr/local/etc/mtree/BSD.gnome.dist back
> in place or otherwise be able to rebuild and reinstall my ports?

Portmaster first installs build dependencies and then runs "make" to
build a port.  Then it installs run dependencies and runs "make install".
The meaning of "make" has been changed a while ago from "make build" to
"make stage" which installs the port in the staging area and the gnome
mtree file is already needed here.  So either portmaster has to install
run dependencies earlier or misc/gnomehier has to become a build
dependency in Mk/bsd.gnome.mk.
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