On 10/25/14 04:28, Muhammad Moinur Rahman wrote:

First off, thanks for your attention.

1. I am not aware about if it's not working in 8.4. It will be helpful
if you can provide me any logs.

# uname -r
# cd /usr/ports/net/ntopng/
# make
===>  ntopng-1.2.1 is marked as broken: Does not build on 8.X due to *ENDIAN 
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/net/ntopng.

In fact on the contrary I think it's time for you to at least upgrade
> to 9.3 as 8.4 will be EOL soon.

There's more than half a year of support ahead; I already moved several system to 9.3, but I still cannot move others.
This is out of the scope, anyway.
If ntopng does not work on this systems, I'll live with that (in fact, as I said, I installed it on another box).

2. Not aware of that either. Last time I checked it was working well.

# portupgrade -RNv ntopng
# service ntopng onestart
#/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ntopng: 33: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string

It's trivial to add the missing quote.

Besides, I discovered redis is required; maybe it should be a dependency?

Finally, running redis, I got "ERROR: Startup error: missing super-user privileges ?" in /var/tmp/ntopng/ntopng.log, until I fiddled with ntopng_flags. This might be normal, though; I don't know ntopng enough yet to tell.

3. nProbe is a commercial supported GPL product where the source code is
available for the customer. However I will talk with Luca if he provides
me the code so that I can work on it and make some patches to work on.

Thanks, it would be great.

You are looking on the wrong direction I believe. I am not aware about
your traffic capacity but what you are looking for is possible without
nProbe too. Consult ntopng user guide. I believe -i and -I will clarify
your requirements.

Since I cannot run ntopng on the two 8.4 routers, I cannot right now achieve this setup (if I get what you are suggesting right).
That's why I thought about nProbe.

 bye & Thanks
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