On Fri, Dec 19, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Alex V. Petrov <alexvpet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ===>>> Launching child to update libreoffice-4.3.4 to libreoffice-4.3.5
> ===>>> All >> libreoffice-4.3.4 (1/1)
> ===>>> Currently installed version: libreoffice-4.3.4
> ===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice
>         ===>>> This port is marked IGNORE
>         ===>>> cannot install: the port wants postgresql-client version 9.0 
> 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 and
> you have version 9.2 installed
>         ===>>> If you are sure you can build it, remove the
>                IGNORE line in the Makefile and try again.
> ===>>> Update for libreoffice-4.3.4 failed
> ===>>> Aborting update

The Error is coming from line 97 of Mk/Uses/pgsql:

63 # Setting/finding PostgreSQL version we want.
64 PG_CONFIG?= ${LOCALBASE}/bin/pg_config
65 . if exists(${PG_CONFIG})
66 _PGSQL_VER!= ${PG_CONFIG} --version | ${SED} -n
67 . endif
69 # Handle the + and - version stuff
70 . if !empty(pgsql_ARGS)
71 . if ${pgsql_ARGS:M*+}
72 . for version in ${VALID_PGSQL_VER}
73 . if ${pgsql_ARGS:S/+//} <= ${version}
74 _WANT_PGSQL_VER+=${version}
75 . endif
76 . endfor
77 . elif ${pgsql_ARGS:M*-}
78 . for version in ${VALID_PGSQL_VER}
79 . if ${pgsql_ARGS:S/-//} >= ${version}
80 _WANT_PGSQL_VER+=${version}
81 . endif
82 . endfor
83 . endif
84 _WANT_PGSQL_VER?= ${pgsql_ARGS}
85 . endif
87 # Try to match default version, otherwise just take the first version
88 # that matches
89 . if !empty(_WANT_PGSQL_VER)
90 . for version in ${_WANT_PGSQL_VER}
91 . if ${PGSQL_DEFAULT} == ${version}
92 PGSQL_VER= ${version}
93 . endif
94 PGSQL_VER?= ${version}
95 . endfor
96 . if defined(_PGSQL_VER) && ${_PGSQL_VER} != ${PGSQL_VER}
97 IGNORE?= cannot install: the port wants postgresql-client version
${_WANT_PGSQL_VER} and you have version ${_PGSQL_VER} installed
98 . endif
99 . endif

The reason you are seeing this error is that the default pgsql version
was changed from 9.2 to 9.3 in Mk/bsd.default-versions.mk on Dec 8th.

Looks like you would need to add:


To your /etc/make.conf.

The error message on line 97 is mis-leading.  The message should be changed to:

96   . if defined(_PGSQL_VER)
       . if ${_WANT_PGSQL_VER:M${_PGSQL_VER}}
       WARNING+= "Found postgresql-client version ${_PGSQL_VER}
installed, but default version is ${PGSQL_DEFAULT}, consider setting
       . elif ${_PGSQL_VER} != ${PGSQL_VER}
97 IGNORE?= cannot install: the port wants postgresql-client version
${_WANT_PGSQL_VER} and you have version ${_PGSQL_VER} installed
98 . endif


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