On 12/01/2015 16:53, Chris H wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:42:45 +0000 Joe Holden <li...@rewt.org.uk> wrote

On 12/01/2015 16:05, Chris H wrote:
On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 15:10:12 +0000 Joe Holden <li...@rewt.org.uk> wrote

Hi guys,

What is the process for adding/submitting "meta" packages for ports for
example powerdns that have multiple backend options and the default
isn't suitable, or failing that have the ability to install powerdns
with default backend but allow the installation of others?

Currently the port defaults to postgres, in this case I'd like sqlite
backend for some servers (slaves), at the moment I'm just building that
manually but it does mean I can't just do 'pkg upgrade'
As I understand it, you want to create a custom "meta-port".
You might do well to have a look at some of the other meta-ports
available, for the best way to accomplish it for your needs;


are some that come to mind.
Best wishes.

This is what I'd normally do but I was hoping with the new pkg stuff we
could have some sort of virtual packages but this will do I guess!

Will need to read up on package building now - seems a bit silly to have
my own repo just for -mysql, -sqlite type packages though
Well, I thought you might want to make the (meta)port, and submit it.
Then other like-minded people could also benefit from your
contribution. :) If you submit it as a port, the pkg(8) business takes
care of itself.

So, I made an attempt on my poudriere box, package builds - powerdns-backend-sqlite3, just includes the .so and the schema in plist however pkg says it conflicts. My interpretation from the handbook is that the % option stuff in plist is only used if that option is selected, so I can't see why powerdns (without any backends) and my slave port would conflict... I used mysql server/client ports as a base:

Makefile :-

PORTNAME=       powerdns
PKGNAMESUFFIX=  -backend-sqlite3

COMMENT=        PowerDNS sqlite3 backend

MASTERDIR=      ${.CURDIR}/../powerdns

PKGMESSAGE=     mustnotexist
PLIST=          ${.CURDIR}/pkg-plist


.include "${MASTERDIR}/Makefile"

pkg-plist :-



I also made powerdns port not have PGSQL set by default.

Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong?


All the best.





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