On 03/19/15 11:29, Da Rock wrote:
Just a quick one: is anyone using Baikal for caldav? Is there a reason it _must_ be documentroot?

I haven't been successful in finding out the why - no docs either. Bit of a pain in the butt with my current setup, but if I _must_ then I guess I'll have to figure out how to adjust.
Well I figured it out, and I thought I'd let those interested ( :) ) know what the solution is to this one.

There are practically no docs to this webapp, so I thought I'd check out the rewrite rules in apache (of which I haven't had anything to do with as yet) to see if that might make it work for me. There is a rewrite rule already referencing .well-known/caldav|carddav, and looking at this I decided to run a search to see what might be happening.

Apparently this an rfc expectation for easy implementation by clients - although I have yet to find a client that does use it!

So, while it is best practice for this to be documentroot - namely this particular rfc requirement, the rewrite rule is supposed to take care of this. An adjustment to this will allow the sysadmin to allocate baikal to a subfolder.

This will allow access to baikal, but it still won't allow it to be used as a caldav - yet. To get this working fully, you need to go into system settings in baikal admin and change the variables for the _web path_ only. Keep in mind this is for the port install only, it may be different for a manual install.

To summarise, this is what you need to do to make baikal work as a subfolder of another vhost (not necessarily documentroot):

1. Adjust the rewrite rule in your apache setup to reflect the <new home> you want your caldav in:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /.well-known/carddav <new home>/card.php [R,L]
RewriteRule /.well-known/caldav <new home>/cal.php [R,L]

2. Navigate to the baikal admin page and go to system settings and adjust the top 2 variables that relate to the absolute web path _only_. Do not touch the server path settings!

PROJECT_BASEURI . "<new home>/cal.php/"
PROJECT_BASEURI . "<new home>/card.php/"

3. Test!

Mat, perhaps this will be a good note in the port install message as well, as its not up to the port maintainer to take care of documentation of an application itself. Either that or maybe a readme somewhere in either share/ or the baikal/ directory. A note that this is at the sysadmins own risk might be in order too :)

Having said that, it would be good if all projects did at least some basic documentation for the apps created!

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