Got a hung poudriere run last night:

On 10/28/15 15:10, Bryan Drewery wrote:
On 10/23/2015 9:34 AM, Russell L. Carter wrote:


Recently my nightly cron poudriere builds have been occasionally
hanging.  For instance, here's last night's, with apparently no
progress for over 10 hours:

root@terpsichore> poudriere status
SET PORTS   JAIL            BUILD                STATUS         QUEUE
-   default 10-stable-amd64 2015-10-22_22h30m08s parallel_build   488
  34    0    0      0    454 10:45:56

Also check 'poudriere status -b' to see per-builder status. Something
may be actually doing something. Poudriere will timeout builds after a
long time. I forget the default but it may be up to 24 hours.

root@terpsichore> date
Fri Oct 30 15:19:55 MST 2015
root@terpsichore> poudriere status -b
[10-stable-amd64-default] [2015-10-29_22h30m07s] [parallel_build:] Queued: 129 Built: 34 Failed: 0 Skipped: 0 Ignored: 0 Tobuild: 95 Time: 16:49:55
        [01]: x11-toolkits/gtk30               build_port_done (16:40:58)
        [02]: graphics/ImageMagick             build_port_done (16:43:16)
        [03]: www/webkit-gtk2                  build_port_done (16:43:58)
====>> Logs: /ssd1/poudriere/data/logs/bulk/10-stable-amd64-default/2015-10-29_22h30m07s

Please record 'procstat -kka' before rebooting in case this is some kind
of deadlock.

invoked right after the poudriere status -b:

I'm not sure how to debug this, but in the interim, I'm very curious
how I can stop the hung bulk run, and either restart it, or clean up
the various mounted zfs filesystems and manually restart from the
beginning w/o rebooting.  Studying the man page, it's not clear at all
the Right Way to do this, so any pointers here would be appreciated.

Kill -TERM the main poudriere process. It will clean up children.
Beyond that you can 'poudriere jail -j NAME -p TREE -z SET -k' to clean
up any mounts leftover from a previous build.

A bit of trial and error led me to this solution, without either '-p' or '-z', so I'm good. In the above, I ran the exact same bulk script manually and the poudriere bulk build ran to completion.

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