I have been using rxvt w/ XFCE under FreeBSD 9.3R for CLI tasks on my daily-driver desktop for about 18 mos. now, love it. Since I use this box for web access as well as LAN access to other boxen on my LAN, it doesn't get refreshed very often, since I like the continuity of being able to return to tasks by just clicking back to the window I was working in earlier. I always have 4 desktops, with about a dozen RXVT shells each open in 2 of the desktops, sometimes a few more, usually a few xterms as well. The other 2 desktops are used for GUI stuff, browsers, e-mail client, etc.

I did a full system upgrade this A.M. (freebsd-update + 'pkg upgrade -y') & rebooted & logged back in. I have noticed over the last few months that whenever I log out & back in, most of the RXVT windows are re-opened as they were when I logged out, fonts OK, text rendered OK, etc., but some are recreated in an oddball state such that when I open them up to full screen size, they still render text in only about 70 columns, rather than full 132-ish. I usually just shut those windows & open new ones, since I always use them 'full screen'. This A.M., when I clicked on the 'RXVT shell' button on my desktop lower menu, nothing happened. I tried from the CLI of another open shell & same story:

[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:17:07am] 301 % hrxvt
107 9:00 ( rxvt -sl 5000 -fn -*-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-17-*-100-100-*-100-*-* & )
   108  9:00    ( rxvt -rv & )
109 9:00 rxvt -sl 5000 -title "System Terminal" -fg red -bg darkred -e su -l root 110 9:00 rxvt -sl 5000 -title "System Terminal" -fg red -bg black -e su -l root
   301  10:18   hrxvt
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:18:35am] 302 % !107
( rxvt -sl 5000 -fn -*-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-17-*-100-100-*-100-*-* & )
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:18:43am] 303 % rxvt: No match.

[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:18:46am] 303 %
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:18:46am] 303 %
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:18:46am] 303 % which rxvt
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:18:51am] 304 % ( /usr/local/bin/rxvt -sl 5000 -fn -*-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-sans-17-*-100-100-*-100-*-* & )
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:19:06am] 305 % /usr/local/bin/rxvt: No match.

[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:19:07am] 305 %
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:19:07am] 305 %
[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:19:08am] 305 %

These lines were typed in *after* I tried the menu button on my XFCE desktop. I only log out & back in as needed, often many weeks or months between logins, so I am not sure exactly when this might have started :-/.

[wam@kabini1, ~, 10:19:08am] 305 % uname -a
FreeBSD kabini1.local 9.3-RELEASE-p33 FreeBSD 9.3-RELEASE-p33 #0: Wed Jan 13 17:55:39 UTC 2016 r...@amd64-builder.daemonology.net:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
[wam@kabini1, ~, 2:50:46pm] 306 %

rxvt-2.6.4_6, xfce-4.12_1, everything fresh as of this A.M. Is rxvt still actively maintained ? Known/thought to work OK w/ XFCE ? Any other issues/gotchas ? Pilot error ? Any clues appreciated, any info needed just ask. TIA & have a good one.


        William A. Mahaffey III


        "The M1 Garand is without doubt the finest implement of war
         ever devised by man."
                           -- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

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