Further to my mail yesterday, wblock@ closed PR 206922 (about whether
portmaster should be documented in the handbook).  But it refuses to
die!  After closure, there have been another 12 entries discussing the
relative merits of portmaster and synth, during which it eventuated
that marino@ wants to remove portmaster and replace it with synth.
This PR was just preparing the way.

I'm agnostic about the relative merits, since I don't use either.  But
the arguments go this way:

For portmaster: it's there, it works, and it has few dependencies.
Against portmaster: it's not maintained (hasn't been for 9 Whole
Months), and it has open PRs (3 of them,

For synth: it does everything!
Against synth: it's written in Ada.

I'm not taking a stance here, but if there's to be a discussion, it
should be in the open, not in the entrails of an only marginally
related dead PR.  I'm not going to spam the list with the messages,
but if you're interested in the topic, please take a look and continue
the discussion here, not in the PR.

One thing of interest is this overview of how synth works:

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