On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 01:15:58PM -0800, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 1:55 AM, John Marino <freebs...@marino.st> wrote:
> > On 2/8/2016 10:30 AM, Mathias Picker wrote:
> > > Am Montag, den 08.02.2016, 08:35 +0100 schrieb John Marino:
> > > While I like the ideas of synth, and hoped I could use it to just build
> > > my 3-8 ports with modified options, on first look I found many things
> > > suggesting that it's not yet ready:
> > >
> > > - shows uninteresting eye candy instead of build
> >
> > Every single port has it's own build log with far more detail that a
> > source build provides (similar to poudriere)
> >
> > > - stops at every conf file version mismatch requiring me to start make
> > > config by hand, and then to re-run when it discovers the next mismatch.
> > > I mean, WTF?
> >
> > This is incorrect.  It lists *ALL* the configuration mismatches at once.
> >  This is actually a huge "pro" for synth; no other tool detects this
> > mismatches.  It is far worse to have cached options that do not match
> > the current port.  The port can be misbuilt and it's a major pain to
> > troubleshoot.  All build tools should be doing this.  Are you really
> > proposing that a tool build a port with a bad configuration file?  You
> > should be thanking Synth for alerting to a problem you obviously didn't
> > know you had.
> >
> > Also, once you fix it, then configuration problems are rare, they occur
> > when the port changes.
> >
> OK. I have been playing with synth and I must say that I find it
> impressive. Not that I am ready to put it into  "production", but
> impressive, none the less. Maybe after a bit more testing and updating all
> ports after moving from 10 to 11 (which will not be too soon). Still, it is
> way better than poudriere for my limited purposes. I will certainly use it
> for that, even if I still use portmaster for my "development" system.
> The stale configuration file issue has me a bit confused. The man page does
> not make it clear just what makes a config "stale". All of my ports are up
> to date as of 11:00 UTC this morning. As far as I know, all of the configs
> are "current", although the actual config run may have been for a much
> older version. "synth status shows 46 cases. I looked at one
> (sysutils/tmux) and the options listed by "make showconfig" are no
> different from those in the current Makefile, so I don't understand why
> they are stale.
> I also have found at least one thing portmster can do that synth can't, but
> I expect pkg can, so I won't complain about it until I have tried using pkg
> to list all top-level ports (nothing depends on them) to use to re-install
> all ports. I could list all ports, it's just that this is a much longer
> list and portmaster did the job nicely with a simple example in the man
> page.

You need to uncomment the "leaf" alias in /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf

leaf  'query -e "%a == 0" "%n-%v"'

Then "pkg leaf" works like pkg_cutleaves(8) or the portmaster option.

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