* Walter Schwarzenfeld wrote:

> DEFAULT_VERSIONS=python=2.7 python2=2.7 python3=3.5

Not really, no.

    [root@i9b ~]# portmaster -vd databases/py-psycopg2

    ===>>> Currently installed version: py35-psycopg2-2.6.1_1
    ===>>> Port directory: /usr/ports/databases/py-psycopg2


    ===> Cleaning for py35-psycopg2-2.6.1_1
    ===>>> Waiting on fetch & checksum for databases/py-psycopg2 <<<===
    /!\ WARNING /!\
    Your requested default python version 2.7 is different from the
    installed default python interpreter version 3.5

... and then it proceeds to reinstall for 3.5. If I give it PYTHON_VERSION=python2.7 explicitly, it still _replaces_ the 3.5 port with the 2.7 one.

    [root@i9b ~]# pkg info -og py\*-psycopg2
    py27-psycopg2-2.6.1_1 databases/py-psycopg2
    py35-psycopg2-2.6.1_1 databases/py-psycopg2

Can't portmaster deal with shared-origin ports?


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