
I'm attempting to port a project over, and it is dependent on a "vendorizing" program, which then pulls in the source of the dependencies to build. (The final artifact is statically linked, so there shouldn't be a problem as far as installing unversioned libraries outside of the package/ports framework, for example.)

My port works fine in my local ports tree, and also I can build the project by hand without the port no problem.

When I try to use poudriere testport, and it's time to pull in the dependencies (as part of a build step), I get:

fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/foo/bar': Couldn't connect to server

Is there something in poudriere that makes the network special? i.e. do build scripts not have network access in that context?

I can provide more specifics on my project:

- The vendorizing program is "gb vendor"
- I have PATCH_DEPENDS on gb, and git
- The pre-patch step runs `make deps`, a target which ultimately runs `gb vendor restore`, the step that gives the error message, and the build fails

I can provide more detail, but would like to know if I'm doing something horribly wrong first (i.e. trying to access the network with gb as a make target, versus some other way to do this).


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