Hi Greg,

Greg 'groggy' Lehey <g...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 24 February 2016 at 17:55:02 +0100, Heino Tiedemann wrote:
>> I had an open PR since some weeks. It seems, the the maintainer is
>> gone. In the first time we had a living discussion about that
>> problem. Ha made a spacial patch, so I tested it ?V but: did not work.
>> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=205257
> Not just for you: when sending messages like this, more detail would
> help.  Who's the maintainer (r...@freebsd.org)?  What's the port
> (graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin)?  When did you last hear from the
> maintainer (14 December 2015)?  Have you tried to contact him directly
> since then?

Uuuups, I am sorry. I was thinking: all the information is in the PR

Yes it is r...@freebsd.org 
Yes it is graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin
Yes, I did last hear from him on 

I did not mail him directly. Our communication worked via that PR.
That works until 14 December 2015. After that I tried to ask him -
unhappily again via the PR.

> This isn't just being pedantic.  People reading your message may not
> be bothered to follow the link, and unless they think it might be of
> interest, they're likely to just delete it without follow-up.
> If it turns out to be something that they know about, or they know of the
> whereabouts of rm@, you might get some action.

Okay, I understand that and will remeber it the next time. Sorry. I
felt a little bit helpless. A am not a programmer, I cannot fix a port
by myself. I just like to use graphics/gimp-gmic-plugin

And this port has (different) issues in versions
1.6.8 (not in the port yet)

rm@ gave me a patch to try and to test 1.6.8 – to step over the issues
of 1.5.x and 1.6.0 - But it has other issues. Does completely not work
(a show stopper).

In the old versions 1.6.0 and 1.5.x some filters does not wort
(explained in the PR).


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