On 03/06/2016 17:23, Bob Eager wrote:
> Why not just use odd numbered releases? That's what I do. They have a
> longer support cycle.

Remember though that this model is changing with 11.0 release.  With the
new model, it's the 11.x family as a whole that has the long term
support and individual releases such as 11.0 or 11.1 will cease to be
supported very shortly after the next release in that series comes out.
The last release in that series will then have a long support life so
that 11.x as a whole has something like a 5 year lifecycle[*].  The
transitions from 11.0 -> 11.1 -> 11.2 -> ... are meant to be something
you could apply pretty much routinely; much as you'ld apply a new
patch-level today.



[*] which is pretty much the same length as the the lifecycle of
previous major branches has been up to now.

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