Hello Facter FreeBSD maintainers!

Since Facter's move to a C/C++ codebase, a lot of facts have gone missing
on FreeBSD machines. As a dabbler in FreeBSD I want to help fix this! :)

I've opened a ticket to track it here (
https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/FACT-1428) and I've been working on
getting those missing facts back. So far I've managed to get the DMI (bios
and manufacturer facts) and processor info working.

I have a few questions:

1) Are there any FreeBSD Puppet users out there on Puppet 4 with Facter 3,
who could give some feedback, see if there's anything else I've missed
from Facter 3 that they've noticed?

2) If anyone has some C knowledge and wants to help hack on some of the
more difficult missing areas such as determining swap space, networks and
such, that would be greatly appreciated. Getting kenv and sysctl settings
has been fairly simple, these ones have been a little bit more complex...

3) How difficult is it to become a maintainer? I notice that facter is
currently under the ruby maintainer email namespace, but right now it's not
released to Rubygems since 2.4 and the code is 85% C++ now. I wouldn't mind
throwing my hat in and becoming a maintainer if that would help? :)



Peter Souter

PS. Sorry if this is the wrong way to do this, first time emailing to a
port maintainer list. I asked in the FreeBSD freenode room and people said
this was the way to do it and to CC the Ports mailing list also :)
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