On 08.06.2016 02:53, Kurt Jaeger wrote:

The ports tree has thousands of entries, which are simply thin wrappers
around Ruby's gem or Perl's and/or Python's pip.

Thanks again for asking the right questions. Please add go to that
list 8-}

Why do we need them? Obviously, it is primarily
for other ports to be able to depend on them. But why can't we satisfy
this need without creating a port for each such little package?

Because right now the mechanism we use is the only one we have.

If a port declares:

    RUN_DEPENDS= /foo/:gem//bar/[:/version/]

why can't the /bar/-gem (with the latest or specified version) be
automatically installed -- and/or registered as a dependency -- without
there being a dedicated port for it?

We would need to mirror the language-specific dependency tracking
in the ports system. While doable, it's definitly non-trivial.

Also it is not always language specific. Some rubygems for example requires other non-ruby software to be installed. This is handled by the ports very good - but if there is no such requirement a port is overhead. Also gems allow/need sometime specific versions - which is hard to track and keep right in the ports tree.


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