Chromium and Libreoffice are two programs that are massive and have the
longest compile times in the ports tree along with eclipse. If the system
only has 2 cpus I would expect those to take at least 4-8 hours minimum. If
they are also building in parallel you can expect that to also increase. My
system takes 40 minutes for Chromium and 50 for Libreoffice, and thats with
jobs=40 on 2.0 cores.

Sorry if my comment was confusing, this variable's use-case is better to
limit the amount of jobs per jail on a given system. Enabling
ALLOW_MAKE_JOBS=yes will set the makejobs on all jails to maximum amount of
cpu's, in you're case 2.

The reason I made my comment, if makejobs > 64 some ports will begin to
fail to build due to too many makejobs. Also, for multiple threaded cpu's
it may increase performance setting it lower when running many jails in

> These I do run as single steps each from a shell script

> poudriere bulk -j freebsd-head -p ports-head www/firefox
> poudriere bulk -j freebsd-head -p ports-head www/chromium

It may run faster, but only because they are not building in parallel.

On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 3:49 AM, Matthias Apitz <> wrote:

> El día Saturday, August 06, 2016 a las 02:13:39PM -0400, Ultima escribió:
> > If you plan on running build in parallel it maybe necessary to also
> > set MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER_LIMIT= into the make.conf file as well.
> I have a list of some 270 ports which poudriere should work through with
> 3 builders, resulting in some 1700 ports to build:
> poudriere bulk -f /usr/local/etc/poudriere-list -J 3 -j freebsd-head -p
> ports-head
> This list does not include some ports which are verry time consuming on
> my hardware (2 CPU 3.7 GHz) like
> www/firefox
> www/chromium
> editors/openoffice-devel
> editors/libreoffice
> ...
> These I do run as single steps each from a shell script
> poudriere bulk -j freebsd-head -p ports-head www/firefox
> poudriere bulk -j freebsd-head -p ports-head www/chromium
> ...
>         matthias
> --
> Matthias Apitz, ✉, ⌂  ☎
> +49-176-38902045
> "Ohne die Mauer hätte es Krieg gegeben" Fritz Streletz u.a.
> "Sin el Muro hubiese habido guerra."
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