On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 09:08:48PM +0200, Raúl wrote:
> Hello!
> grateful for the great work on the ports
> I don't remember last problem upgrading with them, Awesome!
> just a little setback
> upgraded using portmaster, everything went apparently fine
> followed pkg-message to update schema db as I use mysql, also fine
> but when I try to start it I got:
> [....]
> # service icinga2 start
> Performing sanity check of icinga2 configuration: 
> /usr/local/lib/icinga2/libcli.so: Undefined symbol 
> "_ZN6icinga14ConfigCompiler15CollectIncludesERNSt3__16vectorIPNS_10ExpressionENS1_9allocatorIS4_EEEERKNS_6StringESB_SB_"
> [....]

This is now fixed.

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