I'm not a serial guru, but I have used serial extensively over the
past 20 - 40 years.

On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Boris Samorodov <b...@passap.ru> wrote:
> Hi All!
> A user proposed some changes to deal with serial ports I do not quite
> understand (and tend to not agree with). Can a serial ports guru take
> a look at the PR:
> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=211101
> and comment here (or at the PR if you wish) on proposed changes (for
> serial ports changes).
> In brief (as I understand). Currently there is a support for cua* ports
> only (no support for tty* ports). The proposed changes restrict using
> cua* but allow tty* ports, which will act like cua* ports.
> As for me I'll add tty* ports without removing cua*.

Sounds like the best way forward, IMHO.
cua and tty ports have existed for a long time, they each fulfil a
role, and they are not the same.
One or the other should not be removed unless a _good_ reason (be it
technical or practical) is explained here, IMNSHO.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Torfinn Ingolfsen
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