I’ve been a long time user of mod_authnz_external.  I didn’t pay much attention 
to the Google Code retirement, so when I tried updating ports today, I was 
surprised by the IGNORE on the port.

I did a little research: mod-auth-external is not archived on Google Code (at 
least I can’t find it there), so it’s hard to ascertain what the actual code 
base was the last time it was available.

There’s a number of Github repos that have been imported from Google Code; none 
of them seem to have been created by the original maintainer.  That’s not 
really surprising, since the original maintainer was looking for someone to 
take over from him a year and a half ago.

I think I will try to prepare an update to the port to use 
https://github.com/phokz/mod-auth-external, since that comes up first in the 
search, and according to the commit history, has not been changed from the 
original source (yet).

If anyone has a better suggestion, I’d be happy to hear it!


Stefan Bethke <s...@lassitu.de>   Fon +49 151 14070811

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