Le 05/10/2016 à 05:18, Julian Elischer a écrit :
> On 3/10/2016 5:14 AM, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
>> Le 01/10/2016 à 04:35, Julian Elischer a écrit :
>>> There is a need for a "minimum" install of a lot of packages.
>> Some dependencies are often optional, and can be unchecked by running
>> make config.
>>> Such a 'minimum' install should probably be the default when coming in
>>> as a dependency, as
>>> there is an increasing tendency to configure things with all the bells
>>> and whistles.
>> The bare minimum will never be the default.  The default is what will
>> fit most people, so that they can use our packages out of the box.
> I didn't say it should be the default, I said it should be an easy to
> request option,
> (without using the config screen on each of 25000 ports)
> e.g. setting PORTS_CONFIG_MINIMUM before making everything.
> Most ports and packages are installed not because people want them,
> but because they are forced to do so by dependencies.
> Giving a way to reduce the number of unrequested packages, in a simple
> way would be of great use to many many people

Feel free to open PR/provide patches for ports which you think need to
provide more options.

Mathieu Arnold

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