On Sat, 8 Oct 2016, Kevin Oberman wrote:

> > libXrender-0.9.9 is vulnerable
> > libX11-1.6.3,1 is vulnerable
> >
> > "freebsd-update fetch" is not (yet) fetching anything.
> Depending on timezone, these were resolved last night. Update your ports 
> tree (svn or portsnap) and you should have it. If you are using 
> packages, you will need to wait until the next build is completed. 
> freebsd-update only updates the base system, not ports.

Nope, at least not as of 1400 UTC+11.  System is 9.3-REL p43 (soon to go 
to 10.3 when I'm sure that my ports are clean - it was corrupt for a 
while), and won't go to p47 because of those vulnerabilities.

I'm not too concerned; my system is locked down tighter than a duck's bum.

Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."
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