Louis Epstein wrote:

> In any event,portmaster -a -i updates now abort because misc/jive is
> detected on my system.
> This goes beyond "We will no longer provide this application" to
> "we will no longer let you upgrade your applications as long as you
> have this one installed".

To be fair, I strongly doubt this is deliberate policy.

Portmaster itself is a port too. When pkg(7) hit the streets and other
sweeping changes were made to the ports infrastructure, Portmaster had to
be updated and that might still be an ongoing process. In any case, Port-
master needs *some* way of dealing with broken(*) ports and I can imagine
that this can get tricky when dependencies are involved. From the looks of
it, Portmaster just takes the easy way out and simply bails completely
when it encounters a broken port.

However, wouldn't using the option "-x misc/jive" help for the time being?
Jive *will* be kept available through alternative means in a way that
Portmaster should be able to handle too.

> You really need to have a hands-off policy on what software people use.

To that I couldn't agree more.


Ad (*): Here I mean broken in the broadest sense. Morality-fuelled censor-
ship is rare, but occasionally ports are unfetchable, have security holes,
fail to build or simply don't work.

A.J. "Fonz" van Werven <free...@skysmurf.nl>
mailsig: Help! I'm a prisoner in a Chinese fortune cookie factory.

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