On Wed, Nov 02, 2016 at 09:45:51PM +0100, Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff wrote:
> Hello,
> While talking about an issue I have with mail/{neo,}mutt and
> security/gnupg on #gnupg on freenode I was advised to use
> security/gpgme with mutt. I haven't been using gpgme for a while,
> mainly because the packaged versions of both mail/{neo,}mutt have
> it disabled and I was too lazy to compile it on my own. Since
> I got that advice, I've started wondering:
> Why is gpgme disabled by default?
> As was argued (and as I experienced myself) setting up mutt to
> work with gpgme is much easier than without. Especially gnupg2
> made it difficult to configure mutt without gpgme. So why not
> enabling gpgme in the packaged versions?
> I decided not to create a PR about this request. If that's wrong,
> tell me and I'll create one.
>     Niklaas

Actually having tested it, yes you are right it is way more simple, I have
activated it in neomutt

Best regards,

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