Em qua, 16 de nov de 2016 21:44, Anatoly <anat...@kazanfieldhockey.ru>

> On Mon, 14 Nov 2016 00:25:33 -0300
> "Nilton Jose Rizzo" <ri...@i805.com.br> wrote:
> Just hit this problem too. FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE-p24
> > Hi all, I need to use a gEDA ports to create schemas and
> > PCBs, but from the lastest upgrade on my FreeBSD 12-current, it's not
> > more possible because the guile lib have a version conflict.
> >
> >    Some ports work with guile2 and gEDA needs a 1.8 version
> > both use the same locations /usr/local/bin.
> >
> >    Have some other problems that I would like to share with you
> > but I need to create a paper, because I have a long list with
> > this problems.
> >
> >     It's to hard to create a path with version to binaries
> > and/or library, like this:
> >
> > /usr/local/bin/guile/guile
> > /usr/local/bin/guile2/guile
> >
> > and create a link to the /usr/local/bin like this:
> >
> > ln -s /usr/local/bin/guile/guile /usr/local/bin/guile18
> > ln -s /usr/local/bin/quile2/guile /use/local/bin/guile2
> >
> > it's just done to clang and llvm, and i  not understand
> > why I need to compile a ports int  FreeBSD 12-current with
> > a clang and llvm 3.6 or 3.7, if I just have a 3.8 version
> >
> >  Thanx!
> >
> > ---
> > /*************************************************
> > **Nilton Jos'e Rizzo            UFRRJ
> > **http://www.rizzo.eng.br      http://www.ufrrj.br
> > **http://lattes.cnpq.br/0079460703536198
> > **********************


I edited cad/geda/Makefile

At line LIB_DEPENDS I replaced libguile by libguile-2.0.so:lang/guile2

Remove previous version of guile and install guile2. After this I rebuild
geda and it works.


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