On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 09:36:36AM -0700, Gary Aitken wrote:
> ...
> ...
> >> Can someone tell me what the best time to synchronize ports is,
> >> in terms of having a consistent ports tree?
> ...
> I'm interested in a consistent ports tree for build purposes.  I want
> updates, but I want the tree to be consistent enough to build.  In
> the past I have sync'd at less than ideal times and things did not
> build as a result.  I understand this is always a possibility, but
> was wondering if there was a time when it was most likely consistent.
> For example, is a weekly build done on the ports tree starting at a 
> particular day and time?  Daily?
> ....

Of the possibly-relevant things I do, the one that comes to mind is that
I maintain a local private mirror of the FreeBSD SVN ports repository.
(I also maintain one each for src and doc, but that's veering

I synchronize my mirror overnight (in 2 passes -- though that's a legacy
from when I used CVSup, and was because of the huge amount of time spent
when a new tag was laid down; with svn, that's really not an issue).  In
my case, the sync runs at about 03:30 hrs. US/Pacific.

That done, I can make my ports working copy follow head or a quarterly
branch as I see fit -- though in practice, I choose follow head.  (I
also update the base system frequently (daily), and follow that by
updating all installed ports on the laptop I use for day-to-day use.
That's probably something folks ought to think long and hard about
before actually doing it: it works for me, but it's not for everyone.)

And the repository is thus stable while I'm awake, which I find useful.
On the other hand, if someone commits a change I need just after I
synchronized for the day, well... that's awkward.

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Ref. 08 Nov 2016, let's see if the "winners" actually deliver on their slogans.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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