On 2016-Dec-15 09:43:51 +0100, Mathieu Arnold <m...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>Le 14/12/2016 à 06:17, Peter Jeremy a écrit :
>> On 2016-Dec-13 21:32:36 +0100, "Julian H. Stacey" <j...@berklix.com> wrote:
>>> IMO No port should need root for 
>>>     cd /usr/ports; make -i fetch
>> In a stock FreeBSD install, all ports require root to both fetch and build.
>> You have customised your system in a non-standard way so you are getting
>> non-standard behaviour which doesn't match you expectations.
>That is plain not true.

By default, /usr/ports/distfiles is mode 0775 root:wheel and the only member
of wheel is root.  Fetching a port requires writing to /usr/ports/distfiles,
hence root is the only user that can fetch distfiles.

Likewise, by default, ports are built it /usr/ports/CATEGORY/NAME/work.
/usr/ports/CATEGORY/NAME is only writable by root so only root can create
the work directory in which to build ports.

If you change the above defaults (which I suspect most people do) then you
are correct that only a handful of ports need root to fetch or build (and
I think that is still too many) - but I explicitly specified "stock install".

Peter Jeremy

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