On 2017-Jan-19 19:17:53 +0300, Pavel Timofeev <tim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>I've found a port  (http://www.freshports.org/net-mgmt/flow-tools-ng/)
>which is marked as BROKEN.
>The last commit says "GOOGLE_CODE has gone away.".

That comment is true.

>But at least this particular port is still available in a new place:

That is an archive of the last version of code available from Google
Code.  By definition it is unmaintained (and unmaintainable).  There
has been a long thread about this and the the outcome (which was not
accepted by some) is that FreeBSD will not accept ports that are
unmaintainable, therefore it will not use google-code-archive as a
master site.

Please refer to the FreeBSD-ports list archives for more details.

Peter Jeremy

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