On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 5:36 AM, Microsoft Roaming
<ms-roaming-d...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Chromaprint fails to build when chromaprint build option is activated in
> ffmpeg meta port.
> It seems that Chromaprint is requesting an injustified dependency,  so
> trying to build ffmpeg metaport first if non present.
> This causes a « circular dependency » between ffmpeg and chromaprint

Yes, this is a known issue. See
Currently, the ffmpeg port is marked BROKEN if the CHROMAPRINT option
is selected, so you shouldn't be seeing circular dependency problems
unless you specifically removed the BROKEN line. Working around it
would be complicated and is more of an issue for the ffmpeg
maintainer. While the chromaprint library itself can use other fft
libraries, they are not ideal for speed and licensing issues. Plus,
the included fpcalc tool can only use ffmpeg. Do you really need this
functionality for something?

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