
> I understand that the main problem with quarterly branches is that they 
> start from an unstable edge and mature with time, then after three 
> months at the most mature point they are being deleted and replaced with 
> a new unstable edge. So, there is no good point of reference to use as a 
> source of packages.

First, let me say that for my use cases, the pkg tree is in consistent
state most of the time. We have a set of approx. 2500 pkg's build etc,
so roughly 10% of the full repo. We update the ports tree and build the
repo every week, just to see if all is fine, and we update
and build, if we need a package we do not yet have in our repo.
For the thrills, look at our repo at https://repo.nepustil.net

Hmm, let's try this thought experiment.

For each package, keep the whole repo when it was last build sucessfully
(Note: we're not yet discussing whether it runs!)

Worst case: We have n ports and n repos. The question is:
what would be the average case ? Would that be a sustainable model ?

Now, the next question: Even if we have all the repos,
would we find *one* repo where *two* packagew we'd like to have
are in a consistent (build-!)state ? What about the 250+
that are normally needed for a small server ? Or the 1200+
for a multi-role server (some will say: "nah, don't do it, use
container/jails/ whatever virtualisiation").

> What I described is taking the good points (maturing the code through 
> progressing version upgrades from CURRENT, through STABLE to RELEASE) 

Now, if we have ports-HEAD, and changes to that (especially fixes and
features to the ports infrastructure), it's getting more and more difficult
to backport fixes from ports-HEAD to the ports-STABLE versions, because
those do not contain dependencies and infrastructure changes.
If we backport those, we have to roll forward some other
changes. This gets out of hand very quickly.

Do we need frequent infrastructure changes ? Yes, because right now
we would not be able to build the tree, if we did not change
some knobs to cope with the newest craziness that upstreams
throw at us. We repeatedly needed relevant infrastructure changes just
to keep up with that outside world. I'm still speechless that
tz@ got php71 into the tree without so few defects. Or the parallel
mysql-variants. We still fail to provide a working maven-mechanism.
Or go-dependencies. Think of it, go apps more and more bring
their own dependencies, because that is somehow unsolved in the go
world. Some folks worked wonders with the multi-arch and cross-build
things. I can build ARM pkg repos on my amd64, that is unheard
of in most parts of the IT universe 8-} We are almost tracking
firefox, even after they added a new language (rust) to their


If we take the sum of the brain time our maintainers and committers
deliver to keep HEAD in a moving (different from a stagnating) state,
and try to estimate how much *more* time would be needed to
keep additional trees in working conditions, only updating
what is needed, under the assumption that infrastructure changes
*need* to happen ? What would that additional brain time be ? 
My inituition tells me that it would probably break the model.

Now, if someone wants to *experiment* with that, we
already have quite a few people doing that: By setting up
our own repo boxes, where we build the trees to our liking.

The FreeBSD svn commits are public. So, if someone wants
to use it, and select and pick to provide a stable repo,
we would all welcome the effort. If it's a sustained effort over
some time, clusteradm etc would probably add that repo
to the infrastructure. We can even call it the 'caveat'-repo.

It's just that asking the team that's barely keeping up
to do that *on top*, that will probably not work.

> From that short description it should be more or less 
> obvious if that approach is better/doable when opposed to quarterly 
> branches?

There's a way to find out: Try it.

p...@opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                         3 years to go !
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