from Jonathan Chen:

> On 22 August 2017 at 15:17, Thomas Mueller <> wrote:
> > I really need to be able to see the options in a better way than the 
> > FreeBSD ports framework allows, like in a file /etc/mk.conf (pkgsrc) or 
> > USE= ... as in /etc/make.conf (Gentoo portage).

> > Dialog4ports is better than the previous dialog but not as good as seeing 
> > in a file mk.conf or make.conf .

> > Otherwise, I don't really know any elegant way to fix the options mess I 
> > got into.
> Any reason why don't you can't all your options into /etc/make.conf?
> I've never used /var/db/ports options as they're not easy to review in
> one go.

Going through /var/db/ports is a recipe for insanity.

from Don Lewis:

> It is possible to set the options for ports in /etc/make.conf.  That is
> how I handle it would poudriere which looks for make.conf files in
> /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d and can use make.conf files that are specific
> to each jail, ports tree and ports set (poudriere -z option to specify
> the latter).

> Specifying the options in make.conf also makes it easier to set options
> globally for all all of the ports that you build so they are consistent.
> For instance I specify these options globally:


> Port-specific options can be set like this:

> graphics_gimp-help_SET=EN
> graphics_gimp-help_UNSET=ALL

> Back when I still used portupgrade, I found that dialog4ports got to be
> really frustrating.

What is the priority when /var/db/ports is present, which takes precedence?  
Should I delete /var/db/ports or /var/db/ports/* ?

The ports dialog prior to dialog4ports would always mess the screen whenever I 
made a log file with tee (just as bad with script).  Dialog4ports avoided 
messing the screen.

It was very disconcerting when I would do a massive portupgrade before going to 
bed and subsequently find portupgrade stopped for an options dialog. 

I believe Synth and poudriere have no means for setting options.  That should 
be enough impetus to make it easier to bypass the dialog4ports entirely.

(NetBSD) pkgsrc has a file in each package entry where there are 
options.  One can run "make show-options" and "make show-depends-options" to 
see options for main package and dependencies.  I like it better than "make 

Now for FreeBSD 11.1-STABLE installation, I will have to redo the options into 
OPTIONS_SET, etc, and either delete /var/db/ports (a horrible mess now, so 
nothing to lose) or move it out of the way.

Another advantage of putting options in make.conf or mk.conf is that the file 
can be copied or edited from another FreeBSD or NetBSD installation.


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