On Sun, 10 Sep 2017, Russell Haley wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I am talking to Karel and Tomas at Microsoft's DotNet Core Team about
> putting together a "proposal" for community involvement, which will be
> followed by more information on this list. Most of the talk has been
> me blowing air and being pedantic about nothing (I get excited and
> type alot).

I was tinkering around FreeBSD support when dotnet core was first published.
Stack unwinding for exceptions was very hacky at the time, and there were
some unnecessary discussions about how to implement some FreeBSD sepecific
sysctl's. I got a bit frustrated with that (a whole porting effort is about
coercing Unix to offer part of Win32 APIs).

It was somewhat running on FreeBSD natively back then, haven't checked

I have also decided not to sign their bad contributor agreement
and some of the sysctl code I decided to put in mono instead :)

saper on github

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