On 27/9/17 8:17 pm, Stefan Esser wrote:
Am 27.09.17 um 13:52 schrieb Julian Elischer:
On 27/9/17 4:20 pm, Matthew Seaman wrote:

Before this gets too far down the road I would like to suggest that we
quickly formalise some nomenclature
or we will have 200 different ideas as to how to do the same thing;

I would like to propose the following possible "examples of official"
-nodocs         ..  nearly every port has a DOCS option..  a way to
automatically turn it off globally and generate said pkgs would be good.
-minimal ..  smallest possible feature set.. probably used just to
satisfy some stupid dependency.
-kitchensink    ..  speaks for itself .. options lit up like a christmas
-runtime        ..  no .a files, include files, development
documentation or sources ..
                     might only contain a single libxx.so.N file, or a
single binary executable.
No, these are no good examples for flavours, as I understand them ...
why not?

that's part of the problem here. It's not really defined..
sub packages?  flavours?  what's the difference?
It's not defined and a dozen examples would go a long way to help.
I know what I want..  that's to be able to populate my appliance without all the stuff I don't need. I also have a different requirement for my application build environment.  There I need all the includes etc.
How I get there is still a mystery.

These are possible typical sub-package categories, or rather you could
remove the DOCS from the base port, but offer a sub-package for them.

I'd rather think that NO-X11 might become a typical flavour, or the
dependency on a particular crypto library (e.g. openssl vs. libressl).

Regards, STefan
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