On Mon, 02 Oct 2017 09:44:26 -0700 "Chris H" <bsd-li...@bsdforge.com> wrote

> On Mon, 2 Oct 2017 10:28:49 +0100 Matt Smith <matt.x...@gmail.com> wrote
> > On Oct 02 09:07, Carmel NY wrote:
> > >On Sun, 1 Oct 2017 23:49:14 +0100, Matthew Seaman stated:
> > >
> > >>On 01/10/2017 11:34, Carmel NY wrote:
> > >>> 1. Does it determine out-of-date update packages automatically or does
> > >>> the user have to determine that what is out-of-date and feed them to
> > >>> poudriere manually and in the proper order?
> > >>
> > >>Automatic.
> > >>
> > >>> 2. From what I have read, the user is required to install each package
> > >>> manually. Is that correct?
> > >>
> > >>Poudriere builds a repository.  You then have to type 'pkg upgrade' or
> > >>'pkg install foo' to update your live system.  Most people do not find
> > >>this particularly taxing.
> > >
> > >From the "pkg-descr" file:
> > >
> > >poudriere is a tool primarily designed to test package production on
> > >FreeBSD. However, most people will find it useful to bulk build ports
> > >for FreeBSD.
> > >
> > >While it will undoubtedly work, it is still more complex than the average
> > >desktop user requirers. Synth fits the bill nicely by being, for the most
> > >part, easy to understand and run. I am already on my forth "ports
> > >maintenance" program having used portmanager, portmaster, portupgrade and
> > >now synth. At this point, I would almost rather switch to a new OS before
> > >abandoning synth for something that IMHO is just overkill for the average
> > >user. 
> > >Just my 2¢.
> > >
> > 
> > Of course if you did move to a different OS then the chances are you 
> > would be using a binary package repository and not compiling any 
> > software from source. So you wouldn't have any choice over the options 
> > that these packages were built with.
> > 
> > If you are happy enough to do this then you may as well just abandon 
> > building ports on FreeBSD anyway and just use the pkg tool from the 
> > official FreeBSD repository. This is the easiest option surely.
> > 
> > For what it's worth I've used both synth and poudriere and whilst 
> > poudriere is slightly heavier to use because of the requirement to 
> > create a build jail first, once that step has been done it's pretty much 
> > identical to using synth really.
> > 
> > My workflow is simply this:
> > 
> > poudriere ports -u (update the ports tree)
> > poudriere bulk -j 11 -f pkglist (check for any updates and build any 
> > packages listed in the pkglist file)
> > pkg upgrade (upgrade any upgraded packages)
> > 
> > That's it. The same workflow on synth is:
> > svn up /usr/ports
> > synth build pkglist
> > pkg upgrade
> > 
> > Pretty similar if you ask me. OK you could use synth upgrade-system and 
> > do it in one command rather than two but then you're building everything 
> > on the host system and not a specific list. Also I like the extra pkg 
> > stage, it gives me a chance to see what pkg is about to do and abort it 
> > if it wants to do something insane.
> I think you really made the point here, Matt;
> IMHO It's really a Chocolate vs Vanilla, Broccoli vs Corn situation.
> Both are fine; but not everyone is willing to have/choose either, and
Ahem, s/either/both/g
the above line should have read both, not either.
sorry. :(
> someone(TM) is going to have to step up, and ensure that *both* are
> available, before both parties are going to be satisfied/happy. :)
> Just the way I see it (my .02¢)
> So. Has John paid the necessary penance yet? ;) ;)
> --Chris
> > 
> > -- 
> > Matt
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