In the old version I did so.

17.10.2017 19:47, Tommy Scheunemann пишет:
> Hi,
> a simple setup that does the job for me:
> In /etc/pf.conf (bge0 is my external interface)
> --- SNIP ---
> int_ext="bge0"
> ...
> table <blocked_hosts>
> ...
> block in quick on $int_ext from <badhosts> to any
> ...
> --- SNIP ---
> And in ${PREFIX}/fail2ban/action.d defining a new "pf" action, e.g. pf.conf
> --- SNIP ---
> [Definition]
> actionban = /usr/local/bin/drop_ban <ip>
> actionunban = /usr/local/bin/drop_unban <ip>
> actioncheck =
> actionstart =
> actionstop =
> [Init]
> --- SNIP ---
> And the "drop_ban" and "drop_unban" scripts:
> for ban:
> --- SNIP ---
> #!/bin/sh
> IP=$1
> /sbin/pfctl -t badhosts -T add $IP
> --- SNIP ---
> for unban
> --- SNIP ---
> #!/bin/sh
> IP=$1
> /sbin/pfctl -t badhosts -T del $IP
> --- SNIP ---
> I'm using scripts instead of directly using actionban / actionunban to
> do some additional things like running a tcpdrop, having some better
> logging.
> Once done with all this, you can use "action = pf" in your jail.conf file.
> Apart this I'd highly recommend to put all this into some configuration
> system (Ansible, Puppet, Cfengine etc.).
> Updating the package / port will overwrite your local changes !
> Have fun & good luck
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2017, Alex V. Petrov wrote:
>> Need a working sample for the new version of the port for pf.
>> -----
>> Alex.
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