On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 09:23:56PM -0800, Chris H wrote:
> I think you might have been better off going with the suggested
> cd /offending/port
> make deinstall
> make reinstall
> The choice to pollute your environment with FORCE_PKG_REGISTER
> will simply compound the problem you're already experiencing. :(
> Just saying.
> In the end, you're probably going need to decide on a revision,
> and check it out for both src && ports. Then perform a fresh
> build(world/kernel) && install world/kernel. Else you'll be
> fighting  this and other woes for eternity.
This is slightly surprising; I know world and kernel need to
match fairly closely, but I thought ports could be at least
somewhat (days, weeks, possibly months) out of sync, depending
on their complexity and what they depend on.
> I'm only saying all this in an effort to help. :)
> All the best, and best of luck. :)

I very much appreciate your counsel. This host is essentially expendable,
used only to rehearse procedures to be employed on machines whose functions
are of some (small) value. 

bob prohaska
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