
> >> I have a requirement from $JOB to install some software (the python
> >> based Azure SDK actually) [...]
> > I suggest you put your initial version up somewhere and
> > then start ask questions here.
> >
> > It might be faster if many people submit hints than if
> > only one person gives you hints 8-}
> So far I don't know enough to put up anything.

Ok, then there are two steps for the start:

1) Where is the distfile ? Because the first step would be to
create a ports Makefile that downloads that distfile.

Is it this ?


2) Then, one has to dig into


to get to a initial Makefile.

For this step: Install ports-mgmt/porttools and use

port create

Extra homework: Think about a nice name 8-}

p...@opsec.eu            +49 171 3101372                         3 years to go !
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