On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 08:42:27AM -0800, Chris H wrote:
> IMHO it might be a good idea to make a legacy branch, in the ports
> tree before gutting the pre-NG stuff.

Good lord, people.

The pre-NG stuff has Left The Building.  It is not coming back.

The last (even trivial) revision to the pkg_* codebase was Mon Aug 19
14:04:35 2013 UTC:


The corresponding bsd.port.mk version was:


For comparison:

  ports is currently at r455604 [*]
  USES= had recently been introduced at r313517 Wed Mar 6 14:28:57
    2013 UTC (4 years, 9 months ago)
  options handling had recently been reworked at r321785 Wed Jun 26
    07:22:06 2013 UTC (4 years, 5 months ago)
  LIB_DEPENDS had recently been reworked at r322328 Fri Jul 5 14:10:55
    2013 UTC (4 years, 5 months ago) by bapt
  staging came in at r327910 Mon Sep 23 05:56:35 2013 UTC (4 years,
    2 months ago) 
  the warning about pkg_* EOL was r342537 Tue Feb 4 14:23:08 2014
    UTC (3 years, 10 months ago) 
  and I'm not going to iterate over all the refactoring and bug-
    fixing since that time.

(Most likely, pkg_* was not thoroughly tested since early 2013, so I've
included the first 4 big reworks above.)

If you want to look at the diffs to bsd.port.mk since the last time pkg_*
was even trivially maintained:


The diff is 5528 lines.  It's unreadable.

If you're staying with pkg_*, you're basically saying "I don't mind
running with something that hasn't really been QAed with those 5528 lines
of changes."

IMVVHO: madness.

I really don't have anything more I can say on the matter.


* Because I'm now annoyed, I'm going to do some math:

  455604 - 324051 = 131553

That's over One. Hundred. Thousand. Ports. Commits. Ago.

That's 7 pages of commits to bsd.port.mk itself, per svnweb.
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