06.12.2017 21:57, Marko Cupać пишет:

> Slightly off-topic, but still related to tomcat8: on starts and
> restarts I am always getting a warning that tomcat8 fails to start,
> even though it starts.
> me@server:~ % sudo service tomcat8 restart
> Stopping tomcat8.
> Waiting for PIDS: 47970.
> Starting tomcat8.
> /usr/local/etc/rc.d/tomcat8: WARNING: failed to start tomcat8
> me@server:~ % sudo ps auxww
> ...
> root     11876  0.0  0.0    10580    2308  -  IsJ  15:48
> 0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/jsvc -java-home /usr/local/openjdk8 -server


> Am I doing something wrong? How can I fix it?

This is tomcat8's port maintainer fault as it has not implemented
robust pid monitoring for service startup. For example, tomcat6 port
has such monitoring in the ports/www/tomcat6/files/tomcat6.in file
but tomcat8 has not. You should fill problem report using Bugzilla.

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