Is your time correct? That usually sounds like a time problem.

On Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 5:32 PM, Space Cadet <> wrote:

> I just pkg installed the latest firefox for freebsd11 and suddenly all the
> most usefule websites are unavailable:  google mail, you tube, schwab to
> name a few.
> I live on freebsd and I live on firefox.  this version 54 of firefox works
> fine on a different machine.  the new one 56.2_11 see below refuses to load
> most websites.  here is the message i get when trying to load gmail.  i
> think it is identical to all the others.
> *****
> Your connection is not secure
> The website tried to negotiate an inadequate level of security.
> uses security technology that is outdated and vulnerable to
> attack. An attacker could easily reveal information which you thought to be
> safe. The website administrator will need to fix the server first before
> you can visit the site.
> *****
> Other info:
> $ uname -a
> FreeBSD fbsd11w701 11.0-RELEASE-p9 FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p9 #0: Tue Apr 11
> 08:48:40 UTC 2017
> amd64
> $ cat firefoxinstall.txt
> Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
> [1/1] Fetching firefox-56.0.2_11,1.txz: 100%   38 MiB   1.2MB/s    00:33
> Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
> [1/1] Installing firefox-56.0.2_11,1...
> Extracting firefox-56.0.2_11,1: 100%
> Message from firefox-56.0.2_11,1:
> ======================================================================
> Some features available on other platforms are not implemented:
> - Native audio (OSS backend is incomplete, doesn't support WebRTC)
> - Encrypted Media Extensions (requires Widevine CDM binary)
> - Process sandboxing (requires Capsicum backend)
> - Reduced memory usage (requires mozjemalloc)
> - Performance profiling (requires GeckoProfiler)
> - Gamepad API (requires libusbhid backend)
> - WebVR (requires open source runtime)
> - U2F Security Keys (requires libusbhid backend)
> ======================================================================
> To select non-default audio backend open about:config page and create
> media.cubeb.backend preference. Supported values are: alsa, jack,
> pulse, pulse-rust, oss, sndio. Currently used backend can be inspected
> on about:support page.
> ======================================================================
> smb:// issues (Gvfs/GIO option):
> Network group, machine, and share browsing does not work correctly.
> sftp:// (Gvfs/GIO option):
> Only sftp access using public key authentication works.  To easily
> setup public key authentication to "remote_host":
> ssh-keygen
> cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh remote_host "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
> The SSH server on remote_host must allow pub key authentication.
> ======================================================================
> Any bug reports should be addressed to the maintainers at:
> You may also Cc: Please do not send
> bug reports to any other addresses.
> Please include the following information with any bug report:
> * Output from 'uname -a'.
> * Output from 'ident /usr/ports/www/firefox/Makefile'
> * Where/when did the problem occur: configuring, building, or
>     running firefox
> * How can you reproduce the problem?
> Thank you for your help in testing and reporting bugs, and we hope you
> enjoy using Firefox.
> ======================================================================
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